lunes, 22 de noviembre de 2010

there is no way

caminante no hay camino se hace camino al andar

linode, joomla, shell access, eliminar drupal

drupal se niega a salir
leer... luego drupal se va...
corrupcion de datos en Joomla, reinstalar y vaciar la base de datos.
fix another pc took 3 or 4 hours
launch with her
talk and walk, so long, wtf Betty scared me with a joke in the street i forgot her name also.
talk continue...
theres is nothing more, bye bye

came back to my pc, oh sh1t i cant do nothing, so read...
read more
reading more, damn
well its 12.45am, time to sleep ill wake up at 04.00am

life goes on, go away

oye, pero aca no hay ningun indicio a donde quiero ir...

"no tengo a donde ir, asi que ire a cualquier lugar..."

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